A forge transforms nondescript iron into something useful through the process of refining fire. Аs the blacksmith selects a scrap of rusty metal, he envisions its potential. He lays it under red-hot coals until it glows, then takes it to the anvil and hammers that moldable piece into a valuable, definitive tool. No longer just rusting, it becomes an integral part of something greater.

Many men like to be seen as strong, hard, and tough and are proud of it. But raw strength can be dangerous or lay dormant if not tempered physically, mentally, and spiritually. We need to periodically go through the refiner’s fire and be hammered on the anvil of God. 

Being male is a matter of birth. Being a real man is a matter of choice.

But who is this male in us? What is the essence of manhood? Do we understand him and why he is as he is? Are we satisfied with what we see? Are others satisfied with what they see in us?


Too often we have information but lack transformation. 

That’s where the Forge makes it possible for men like you to get the support and know-how to gather a group of like-minded men that you will lead from information to transformation.    

Today, more than ever, our world needs men worthy of their calling – men clear about their identity and responsibilities, unafraid to roll up their sleeves and face the challenges of life. When a man is clear about who he is, he’s clear about where he’s going. This kind of man lives purposefully in his family, at his workplace, in his church and community. Knowing his identity, role, and direction, he’s confident to step up and live out his God-given potential. 

“Character = the ability to meet the demands of reality.”    Dr. Henry Cloud

The Forge